Strange GUI issues in Fedora qubes

Hi! I’ve been having some strange GUI problems recently in Fedora qubes. The bottom parts of applications and tray menus get cut off. I’ve included some screenshots that illustrate this in the image below.
This has only been happening in Fedora qubes (for Debian and whonix, it’s fine). I’m on Qubes 4.2.2 and am using Fedora 40 templates. I was hoping it would resolve itself after updating, but I’ve always been performing updates and the issue still persists.
Any ideas about what’s causing it and how to fix it?


I think it’s the same issue as this one:

The fix for this issue should be already available in the testing repository and it should be available in the stable repository after some time as well.

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Awesome, thanks! It didn’t occur to me to check out the github page :sweat_smile:

Has this made it to stable yet? I’m a little confused with the tickets. The one linked here seems to be closed 3 week now.

I’d recommend tracking this ticket instead.

The temporary workaround is to install older Mesa release with:

$ sudo dnf install mesa-dri-drivers-24.0.5-1.fc40.x86_64 -y

I also intentionally excluded the related packages from the Fedora 40 Updates repository, just so they don’t get updated until that’s resolved (note the excludepkgs line at the bottom):

$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo 
name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch - Updates

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Thank you.

In theory then, once fixed it should be a case of removing the excludepkgs='mesa*' and running an update of the template?

Yes, when you want to give the more recent Mesa another try, just remove that line, or comment it out, and then just run an update as usual.