Steam main menu doesn't render

Hey, how do I install steam on qubes os? I can’t get the main menu to properly render, possibly due to missing opengl libraries. Whenever I log in and load the main menu, the menu is transparent (black where there is no other window behind it) and doesnt update new frames, so it keeps displaying old windows behind it. Some dropdown menus still work if I hover over them.

This isn’t a qubes-os only problem, as I had the exact same problem on a virtual machine running in kvm.

Is this normal? and how do I fix this?

It stopped working with LLVMPIPE video driver (the one in qubes) after the big UI change a few months ago. There is no fix at my knowledge.

GOG Galaxy installed with lutris or bottle works fine though :smiley: (then, you must be lucky to have a working game…)


@qubesuser2 problem fixed, Steam works Steam On Linux Should Stop Crashing If No OpenGL Drivers Are Found - Phoronix

I just installed it from flatpak on Fedora 39 and the UI is running well.

Playing a game streamed from another Steam works flawlessly :+1:

Some locally installed games are able to run (they use a shit ton of CPU though :smiley: ) but not all. Playing in windowed mode in a smaller resolution (like 540 / 720p) helps to make the load manageable.


What exactly does this mean?

Steam allows you to stream a game from another computer running Steam with the same account. So if you have a big gaming computer somewhere connected to steam, any steam you connect with the same account can run the game remotely and broadcast the video / audio / inputs so you can play locally.


That’s neat.

thanks for letting me know!