Steam Crash

HI everyone,

I am trying installing game on Steam ( I am inside of Windows 10 HVM ), and when I start the game install the steam crash ( it happens for all games ). I found some fix on the internet talking about winsock reset, but it did not worked.
Can someone please test if install Steam games works on Windows 10 HVM ?



The game certainly crashes because the qubes can’t render 3D.

I do not think so, the problem is in steam app, and the game is 2D.
The bug occurs when I try start download any game, the steam got corrupt and I need delete steamapps folder to be able to open steam normally.

Make sure your qube have enough disk space, if it’s hitting 100% usage, sometimes bad things like data corruption can happen.

Also, many 2D games requires hardware acceleration (which I wrongly called 3D rendering in my previous message). Throwing A LOT of cpu to the qube can help to make a few 2D games playables :confused: