[SOLVED] 4.2 broke my oVPN qubes: Connection refused (fd=3,code=111)

Ok I try fresh, from 1cho1ce

1. Next, add vpn-handler-openvpn to the ProxyVM’s Settings / Services tab by typing it into the top line and clicking the plus icon. Do not add other network services such as Network Manager.

I create new qube: qubevpn, it provides network access. Template: deb12 (with ovpn & nftables).

I create custom service in Settings GUI of qubevpn called: vpn-handler-openvpn

2.Copy the VPN config files from your service provider to the ProxyVM’s ‘/rw/config/vpn’ folder, then copy or link the desired config to ‘vpn-client.conf’:

I make /rw/config/vpn folder with sudo mkdir -p /rw/config/vpn
I sudo copy to /rw/config/vpn

3 Test connection

I test connection and get error

sudo openvpn --cd /rw/config/vpn --config vpn-client.conf --auth-user-pass userpassword.txt

2024-04-05 09:55:15 read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (fd=3,code=111)

I tried with sys-firewall and sys-net, same error.

If I use fedora template I get /etc missing dir.

Options error: --up script fails with ‘/etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf’: No such file or directory (errno=2)

In debian I find update-resolv-conf in /etc/openvpn


From 1cho1ce

Connections should be manually tested with a command like sudo openvpn --cd /rw/config/vpn --config vpn-client.conf --auth-user-pass userpassword.txt before the script ‘install’ step. This is a good idea because it shows whether or not the basic link is working before Qubes-specific scripts become a factor.

I don’t make basic connection. Ok, if i ping I get response:
ping qubes-os.org

PING qubes-os.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=5.71 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=7.22 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=57 time=5.99 ms
qubes-os.org ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms


sudo journalctl -u qubes-vpn-handler
-- No entries --