Sleep/wake issue on Starbook

I’m having issues with Qubes on a Starbook waking after either the laptop screen is closed without taking any other action or if I Lock Screen the laptop and then close the laptop screen.

In the scenario where I simply shut the laptop screen, it never wakes OK. The screen is backlit and the blue indicator light on the left side of the laptop stays lit, however the user login screen doesn’t appear.

In the Lock Screen scenario, sometimes the laptop wakes OK after I open the screen and press a key, i.e. the user login screen appears. Other times the screen is backlit, however nothing is displayed, similar to what I describe above when the laptop screen is closed w/o using Lock Screen. In this case, the small blue indicator light on the left side of the laptop stays lit, however the user login screen doesn’t appear.

The performance in the Lock Screen scenario is quite inconsistent. At first I thought it was an issue only with shutting the screen and not locking the screen first. However, now it seems to always happen if the screen is shut and not locked and intermittent if the screen is locked before shutting it.

The only way out of the situation when the login screen doesn’t appear, in either scenario, is to long press the power button and reboot, which is obviously less than ideal and appears to now be causing intermittent and inconsistent issues when I do reboot and try and decrypt the hard drive.

Any insights into how to address this would be greatly appreciated. I’ve seen some discussions on this forum related to sleep/wake issues but am not really sure where/how to start isolating and troubleshooting the issue.

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