Simple Qubes OS qubes network display

Hi, I made a simple script to run in dom0 (easy to audit) that will output a hierarchy tree of netvm and their qubes.

This is a rather simple rendering to figure your network topology.

You can get the sources from the git repository ~solene/qubes-os-netvm-map - A Qubes OS shell script to display a network map - sourcehut git

As an alternative, there is a tool generating a graph picture, but I can’t remember the name. They can coexist well, I prefer mine because it has no dependency and works fine for me ~20 qubes, but for more complicated setup it may not be sufficient (also, one may not like how it looks).

Output example:

|   sys-firewall:
|   |   sys-vpn-protonvpn-wg:
|   |   |   Tuta
|   |   sys-vpn-2hop:
|   |   |   sys-whonix:
|   |   |   |   whonix-workstation-17-dvm
|   |   |   |   Wallet-watching
|   |   |   |   anon-whonix
|   |   |   SSB
|   |   Windows10-install-fresh
|   |   default-dvm
|   |   Storage
|   |   sys-vpn-ivpn-wg-amsterdam:
|   |   |   sys-vpn-intranet:
|   |   |   |   Communication
|   |   |   |   WWW-disposable
|   |   |   |   disp5436
|   |   Development

OFFLINE QUBES (no netvm)
- fedora-39-xfce
- vault
- whonix-gateway-17
- default-mgmt-dvm
- whonix-workstation-17
- fedora-39-xfce-simple

Looks nice.
qvm-ls also support something similar with the -t option (qvm-ls -t).

I guess you are talking about that:

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thanks for pointing this out :woman_facepalming: I didn’t check if qvm-ls was able to already do what I wanted…

My script is quite useless then :grin:
