Signs of hacking or just too many bugs?

Hi yesterday I was setting up for the forth time a laptop running qubes 4.2.1 Debian 12. I was struggling downloading anything with sys-net wired connected to a router (with wrtopen fw)with sim card and external firewall additional FW (opensense with Zeta or). I then have proton vpn on my laptop all in all 2 vpn one on the router and one on the qube laptop.

Suddenly the connection improved dramatically (i did not change any rules nor FW setup). I was proposed to update a standalone WM on which I had installed the proton mail app which was working fine before the prompted update (i then learned that an app in such a qube should be updated manually with a reinstall of the updated app). When restarting the proton mail app was no more available. For extra safty i reinstalled the same app on a new qube app wm standalone

Next I put the laptop on stand by without internet (no teetering no wifi enabled).

When reaccessing my qube’s user account I noticed that I could no more connect to opnsense GUI (not connecting). I had to reset the root password but even after resetting the ip address of the GUI i still cannot connect to it ! Why? If I try on a window laptop i can!

All was working fine just before I put the laptop on stand by.

What to fo best…A new clean install Opnsense and qube os? What is going on?
Any suggestions?

Thank you for your help in advance