The NV41 is certified, which means functionality is tested and ensured by the dev team. It is also available from Nitrokey, which might be more responsive to your inquires.
I guess you are in a first world nation with plenty of disposable income and need to have brand new shiny hardware. Good for you.
Other people might have other needs and perspectives. Some (like me) might find it intolerable to run ME and rather take a hit in performance, some might not have the budget or opportunity to buy a new computer. This has been discussed many times.
You are imposing your needs and perceptions on everybody. Others (like me) might think X230 and T430 are the only acceptable choices. In fact, we have four tiers of hardware choices for users to choose from:
- certified (just works, the dev team makes sure)
- community-recommended (just works, the community evaluates and to a degree supports)
- HCL (positive reports may still need troubleshooting and workarounds)
- system requirements (roll the dice and make it work on your own)
(1&2) are for users who need a reasonably secure laptop now and don’t have the time, will or skill to troubleshoot and apply workarounds. (3) is for folks like you: able to reason about their requirements, making an informed decision and then do what’s need to make it work and (4) is for the brave