It strongly depends on your threat model. The main goal of Qubes AFAIK is to protect you from online and USB threats, and it does it very well. If you also care about physical access of you machine, you open a huge can of worms, which is likely unimportant for most users. I am not sure Qubes protects from it as strongly. Having suspend doesn’t prevent you from switching off your machine whenever you feel a threat. Most people work from home now btw.
Suspend saves a lot of time for me every single day: I do not need to open a ton of documents, windows and browsers anew and put them at the right places on the screens and virtual desktops. I wish Qubes had hibernate instead, but it seems like a big work (and not good for SSDs).
I’ll try to add as much as I can, although I disagree that such machines should be in the list.