Warning: This guide involves opening up a TCP port between qubes. This is discouraged from the security standpoint and should only be used as a last resort, use sparingly.
PRESENTATION_QUBE is the Qube you want to view the screen from
CONTENT_QUBE is the Qube that has the window you want to share
Setup The Shared Screen Server
Choose one of these sub-sections depending on whether you want to open a new screen (increased isolation), or use an existing monitor or screen.
If You Want To Share a New Screen
In the Content Qube:
Install packages
sudo apt install xfwm4 tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-viewer
orsudo dnf install xfwm4 tigervnc-server tigervnc
Enter the password by executing
You can generate secure enough passwords for this purpose using
openssl rand -base64 16 | tr -d '+/=' | head -c 8;echo
Enter one password for read/write (first password and verify prompt)
Enter a different password for the view only password (second password and verify prompt)
Start the server
vncserver :1 -xstartup /usr/bin/xfwm4 -geometry 1920x1080 -localhost no
View the shared screen
vncviewer -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd :1
Open applications
DISPLAY=:1 xterm
where xterm can be any binary on your system
If You Want To Share an Existing Monitor or Window
In the Content Qube:
Install packages
sudo apt install xfwm4 x11vnc x11-utils
orsudo dnf install xfwm4 x11vnc xwininfo
Enter the password by executing
x11vnc -storepasswd
- You can generate secure enough passwords for this purpose using
openssl rand -base64 16 | tr -d '+/=' | head -c 8;echo
- You can generate secure enough passwords for this purpose using
Start the server
If you want to share a window
x11vnc -viewonly -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -clip 1920x1080+0+0
with the resolution (e.g.1920x1080
) and offset (e.g.+0+0
) of the screen area you want to share. The coordinates 0,0 are in the top left, increasing down and to the right. -
xrandr --listactivemonitors
in Dom0 to get a list of all monitors and their offsets. That command returns in the formW/_xH/_+X+Y
. For example to share DP-1, with xrandr output of0: +DP-1 1920/510x1080/287+1280+0 DP-1
, 1920x1080+1280+0 would share just that screen. -
is a useful graphical tool to show where all the monitors are in relation to each other.
If you want to share a monitor
x11vnc -viewonly -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -id pick
- This retrieves the numerical id of the next window you click on.
If you want to share all the monitors use
x11vnc -viewonly -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901
View the shared screen as specified in “View The Shared Screen”
Open applications like normal
Qubes Connect TCP Service
These steps are a simpler version of The Qubes Firewall. In dom0 execute these steps:
Edit /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.ConnectTCP
Add the line:
<PRESENTATION_QUBE> @default ask,target=<CONTENT_QUBE>
(recommended) By specifying
, dom0 will ask each time a connection is attempted on that port -
(not recommended) Rather than specifying
you can useallow
to allow all connections without a prompt, this leaves you unaware of new attempted connections.
After you are done sharing you screen, remove this line to prevent further unwanted connections
View The Shared Screen
In the Presentation Qube:
Install package
sudo apt install -y tigervnc-viewer
Bind TCP port using Qubes Connect TCP service
qvm-connect-tcp ::5901
Start the VNC Viewer
vncviewer -Shared -ViewOnly -RemoteResize=0 -SendPrimary=0 -SendClipboard=0 -SetPrimary=0
Confirm that you want to connect to the Presentation Qube in the dom0 prompt
Enter password for the VNC server you created above
In your presentation software share the VNC viewer
In the Content Qube interact with the shared screen, the changes will be mirrored back to your Presentation Qube.
To reset the VNC password delete
in the Content Qube -
The Content Qube does not need to have access to the internet
This document was migrated from the qubes-community project
- Page archive
- First commit: 23 Mar 2021. Last commit: 07 Apr 2021.
- Applicable Qubes OS releases based on commit dates and supported releases: 4.0
- Original author(s) (GitHub usernames): null
- Original author(s) (forum usernames): N/A
- Document license: GPLv2