Hey guys/girls,
I have several issues and Im curious if some of you have the same issues with 4.2.1 (I didn’t try 4.2.2)
- Suspend doesn’t work. When I put it to sleep, the display goes black but the laptop stays turned on, fans are working, keyboard backlight is on etc. It doesn’t work to turn it on to normal mode. Basically, it freezes. It needs a physical turn off by pressing several seconds on the power button.
- Shutdown doesn’t work until the end. It seems that it closes processes but somehow remains in the same stage as I would put it into Sleep. I need to press for several seconds on the power button to turn it off.
- I tried to update kernel to the latest and I have a GUI problem after restart (after disk password and instead of the login window a black page appears, I have the mouse too but that’s it). This happpens with 6.10.x. and it happened also with 6.9.x
Does anyone have these problems? Does anyone managed to resolve them?