I have upgraded recently to Qubes 4.1.1 from 4.0 on a Lenovo Thinkpad with an integrated intel GPU and + a nvidia GPU.
I have an issue with my display flickering (showing parallel lines across the screen that change when I move the mouse).
It only does that when I’m using i3wm. On xfce everything looks fines. Also when discrete graphics is enabled in the bios there’s no flickering.
I have tried the solution described here : Screen flickering in Qubes 4.1 on Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 14 Gen6 - #10 by dud1337 on kernel 5.18, 5.16 and 5.15 without success.
I would love to solve this issue because in discrete mode my laptop is heating too much, and I’m so used to i3 that having to switch to xfce would be a deal breaker for me. I have been using 4.0 with the same setup for 2 years and everything was fine.
Any idea what could cause this?
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Do you use the integrated intel gpu or the nvidia gpu?
I also had that problem with 4.1.0 last year. There was too much horizontal tearing to use the Qubes Manager GUI. I used the integrated intel gpu since it was the only option on my T480.
Not sure if this is related to your problem, but have you checked this?
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Yes that was it, everyhting looks good now after adding the file.
Sorry for the duplicate, somehow I missed this thread when looking for a solution.
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Glad it worked mate.
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