sadly already tried all of that
Was a bit frustrated, but have not tried yet to use a Windows VM on the new computer, could help to really rule out driver issues. Since AMD known there is bugs in the linux kernel, maybe they fixed some things in the windows kernel
Update 1: Windows VM doesn’t work as well.
Update 2: my error seems linked to bios parameter “above 4g” (at least it crash in a different way)
I swear, this bios is satan’s work. Everything break in unexpected way, settings some options require hard resetting the bios, if you set a parameter either it is not respected, break something completely unrelated, or, time to time, do what it is supposed to do. Take 5 minutes between each reboot for just the bios page to show up. I am becoming crazy.
By modifying “SRVIO”, “Above 4G”, and “Resizable BAR” in the bios, I can reach differents errors. Some buffer overflow in the linux kernel and other things, going to take a lot of time to understand what is going on. Host crashing if using less than X amount of ram etc.
Update: Removed this patch qemu: fix TOLUD for PCI passthrough by mati7337 · Pull Request #44 · QubesOS/qubes-vmm-xen-stubdom-linux · GitHub and manually modified rootfs.
Now the host is crashing reliably no matter the amount of ram provided to the VM. Don’t know if I am closer to a solution or not. This host crash append when the VM is trying to load the gpu drivers (same behavior for windows vm and for linux vm )