Running snapchat on Qubes OS


as the title suggests, I’ve tried waydroid, android x86, the app either refuses to let me login, or crashes, freezes on startup

Does it work on any other Linux OS?

specify what you mean

Snapchat doesn’t work only in Qubes OS or it doesn’t work in any other Linux OS or in VM in Windows?
If it’s not a Qubes OS specific issue then it’d be better to ask this question in other more popular forums/places that are focused on running android apps in VM.

snap does work in some windows android emulators, i could not get it to work on waydroid nor android x86, crashes on launch

i would need nested VT in order to get it to work probably, it increases attack surface AFAIK

Emulator is not the same as VM. The app could work in emulator but won’t work in VM.
Does snapchat work in android-x86 VM (e.g. in Virtualbox) in Windows?

Does snapchat work in android-x86 VM (e.g. in Virtualbox) in Windows?

i don’t use windows at all, i dont know
snap does work on some EMU, whether it works or not in EMU on VM, I’m not sure, that requires nested virtualization