Rpm -Va after fresh installation returning abnormal

Have been installing and setting up qubes OS with minimal templates, noticed a weird entry in my /etc/default/grub the other day where the last line was sourcing another file that added command line arguments to GRUB_CMDLINE_DEFAULT & GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT. There was also some interesting discrepancies in my /boot directory as i randomly got a new kernel and related files – at first i only had the 6.6.48 and 6.10.10 and eventually i noticed 6.11 (and confirmed differences with diff). These along with other evidence i collected led me to the conclusion that this was too off to continue, i reflashed the BIOS with the latest firmware and re-installed qubes. as soon as i finished installing i ran a ‘rpm -Va’ and it returned the results show in the screenshots. Is this abnormal or am i just bugging ?

You just got normal dom0 updates. Since you had 6.10 kernels, that means you had the kernel-latest package, which got the 6.11 release, and more recently the 6.12 release, which is still in testing.
You are perfectly fine.

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