Review of the OS

I have been using for a while, and to be honest using this operating system was way easier than the scenarios in my head I built by reading the comments of “qubes has very steep learning curve” etc. The most complex thing was to setup vpn but that was very easy when you just copy the commands from this forum.

I would rate this the best operating system I have ever used, and very noob friendly too. The first day is the hardest, when you get internet and vpn rolling the hardest part is over.

My review for this operating system is 10/10 would and will use again every day!


Thank you @qubehead38 for your nice review! It would probably help new users if you told us what your background was. Were you familiar with GNU/Linux before using Qubes or did you come straight from Windows?

My experiences with linux was using them on virtual machines before. But as a multitasker who likes to run multiple different identities I like qubes so much, very convenient and powerful to use and easy to make new vms, and switch between vms. With linux my knowledge was limited to “sudo apt update”

My experiences with linux was using them on virtual machines before. But as a multitasker who likes to run multiple different identities I like qubes so much, very convenient and powerful to use and easy to make new vms, and switch between vms. With linux my knowledge was limited to “sudo apt update”

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