Reverse Tethering & Screen Mirroring Qube for Android Device 📱

Reverse Tethering & Screen Mirroring Qube for Android Device :iphone:
Control your Android Device from Qubes OS while providing Network to the Android Device

:stop_sign: Guide utilizes USB Debugging which can add significant Attack Surface to your Android Device, use at your own risk! :stop_sign:

  1. Create Template Qube from fedora-40-xfce Template
  2. Install scrcpy with
sudo dnf copr enable zeno/scrcpy && sudo dnf install scrcpy
  1. Create App Qube from the Template we just created
  2. Passthrough USB Controller to App Qube, switch Virt Mode to hvm
  3. Run Terminal on App Qube
  4. Install homebrew with
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install gnirehtet with
brew install gnirehtet
  1. Enable Developer Settings & USB Debugging on Android Device
  2. Connect Android Device via USB
  3. Run
sudo adb devices

and authorize PC on Android Device

  1. Start Reverse Tethering with
gnirehtet run

and accept VPN Connection Window on Android Device

  1. Run scrcpy from Start Menu