Restore from backup into secondary storage (secondary pool)

I have a secondary pool for a second drive on my qubes machine.
When I run backup and restore, how do I restore a VM into the secondary pool?
I couldn’t find a parameter for this, so I assume that restore would move place the files in the default pool.

A backup is automatically restored to the default pool.

After setting up secondary storage you can guide the restore into the desired pool by setting the global “default_pool” preference.

The following commands are run within dom0.

To list the available pools:

To view the current default pool:
qubes-prefs default_pool

To change the default pool:
qubes-prefs default_pool <POOL_NAME>

If you wish to split a restore across several storage pools, set a default pool and only restore the qubes that should be in that pool. Then change the default pool again and restore only the qubes that should be in the next pool.

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