Remove remnants after deleting a qube?

I have recently replaced a couple of Debian 12 vpn and printer templates with new xfce versions. All is working well and I’ve just deleted the old vm’s. This got me to thinking, is there a qubes method for completely eradicating vm’s from storage, so they no longer reside and is it even practical? I’m thinking of the process of wiping/removing as opposed to “deleting”. I don’t see anything in the official documentation to cover this or in online searches I’ve tried.

No. Nothing official. Related Github issue:

There are plenty of tools… The one I use the most in Dom0 terminal.
sudo lvs
sudo lvremove qubes-dom0/bla…bla…bla
Do a search for sudo lvremove and other tools will pop up.

Thanks alimirjamali and Qball. I tried qmv-ls in dom0 to see if there were any vm’s showing, which could be further removed. The only vm’s listed are the ones, which currently show up as available in the gui. So I’m thinking, there aren’t any vm remnants, which lvremove could operate on. I also looked at the Github and its subthread “per-VM eccryption #1293” threads, which listed the possibility of separately encrypting vm’s. Looks like maybe I’m just being too worrisome, about the whole thing. I think I’ll just leave things as is. Many thanks.

A while back I used to luks encrypt lvm volumes for disp VMs with a random key (like many do with swap on startup). when you shut it down its gone for good.
With a second disk or LVM PV would be best.