Maybe not accessible to everyone: Qubes-remote-support - New features and support for Whonix 16
But quote from there:
Considering remote support implies a high level of trust from the user to remote administrator, something like would be more then welcome, with the initial project already dealing with the secret generation, establishment of hidden tor service etc. The challenge here being to actually properly limit that shared terminal session prior of having the user land in that shared terminal, and wait for the remote admin to land in that same shared session.
@adrelanos @marmarek : I lost/forgot the conclusions that were said on such shared terminal session sharing, but last time I tested the implementation above, screen delays, and waiting time for the background magic to establish the initial connection were kinda dissuasive.
Those improvements would highly reduce trust implied from remote support third parties, where that “wifi slider” could be turned off by support requester at any moment, and where dom0 screenshots from the support requester would permit some kind of traceability of what happened along the support session, alongside of logs.
But those were not considered under Nlnet grant accomplished work, and leaves place for further improvements.
Is there any good solution to remote into Qubes Dom0 Gui?
[I know that this is not inline with the purpose of Qubes, but I have a use case wherein I really need to be able to remote into Dom0 and would secure that connection as much as possible.]
Any way to achieve desired result ?
Otherwise documentation is here:
And side discussion for paid support is here:
Has any consideration been given to a tier of paid support? I noticed that whonix has a paid support option , no clue how much it costs but for the issue I have (not one response in 2 weeks) I’d be willing to pay $50-$75? That is likely not much I realize (about as much as i could afford) but I really really wanted to try to figure it out and I could not elicit one response despite my trying to add more information etc. I completely realize I am owed nothing and this is free software but having …
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