Recommended Laptop to Buy

I want to buy a laptop, ideally from Newegg or somewhere standardized.

I consider:

Is there a better option available? This is a tablet so I’m not sure it’d work. I previously got a computer thinking it was qubes compatible but it wasn’t so I used standard Linux because one specification was different so I worry it won’t be compatible again.

Please help me get a compatible, relatively cost effective computer. Thank you

Hi Tomato,

Welcome to the community. The best resource for this is the community generated HCL Reports. Lots of highly recommended hardware there.

@MrA No, HCL is the second best source. The best one is

…and it shows that Lenovo ThinkPad X230 should work well.

Also, if you want a tablet, there is a new one from Purism reportedly working with Qubes.

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