R4.2.0-rc4 ISO missing ANACONDA partition - installer has working GRUB then hangs on blackscreen

Trying to install R4.2.0-rc4 from an 8GB USB flash drive on a T15 (Gen 1) Thinkpad that installed/runs R4.1.2 with no problems. The bootloader loads normally. After selecting “*Test media and install…” the cursor blinks for a moment then hangs on a black screen (requiring hard reset, CTRL-ALT-DEL is non-responsive). I notice only one difference from R4.1.2:

After writing the ISO to the USB drive, I see the following partitions in (gnome-disks):

Partition1            Free Space          
6.3 GB Unknown        1.4 GB

Partition 1 also shows Partition Type: Linux (Bootable)

In contrast, R.4.1.2 (similar to all previous releases that I recall) shows:

QUBES-R4-1-2-X86-64      ANACONDA      
Partition 1              Partition 2         Free Space
6.2 GB ISO9660           2.4 MB FAT          1.6 GB

Has the ANACONDA partition been removed in R4.2.x? Or is there something wrong with the ISO? gpg2 --verify gives good signature, and all media creation steps are the same.

Thank you!

The ISO is good, check this issue for more info:

Maybe it’s a problem with video driver. Try to use the installer menu entry with latest kernel.
You can also search the forum for reports of those who has the same hardware as you and possible fixes.


thanks! it’s a strange regression, but I presume the dev team has its reasons.

