R4.1(x86_64): Debian-11 PV/HVM qube is unable to use dGPU through radeon on 20089 lenovo G770 in supertuxkart AppVM

I have debian-11 qube providing the VM through PV/HVM that has dGPU assigned on PCI 00:00.0, but it’s unable to use the dGPU.

How can i make my debian-11 qube to use the dGPU e.g. to play supertuxkart?

Tried solutions

Radeon module is loaded

I was unable to modprobe radeon so i removed the nomodeset from kernel cmdline (more in R4.1(x86_64) unable to unset `nomodeset` kernel CLI in PV).

Preference of HVM

PV seems to be more efficient for this usecase compared to HVM(?), responsiveness and performance of the HW are important, but xen wiki explicitly requires HVM[1].

Method of testing

Was using DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL ren" this works in Dom0 when the VGA is assigned there.

Comply with instructions from xen wiki[1]

Xen wiki requires these properties set apropriately Invoked:

[root@dom0 xen]# qvm-features supertuxkart gfx_passthru "1"
[root@dom0 xen]# qvm-features supertuxkart pci "['01:00.0']"

Was unable to find the /etc/xen/<guest> on Qubes, assuming it’s using different directory.

XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND is set as module

Xen wiki[1] requires XEN_PCIDE_BACKEND available in the linux kernel used in dom0 which is already set:

[root@dom0 xen]# cat "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" | grep XEN_PCIDEV_BACKEND


Filled https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/6262 as this seems as a bug or requiring procedure to make it work that is unknown to me and to Qubes-related community members that i’ve asked.

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