Qvm-convert-pdf crashes exactly on the 50th page

Hi. I noticed that qvm-convert-pdf crashes exactly on the 50th page no matter what pdf file it is but with increased image quality in template. I tested 4 different pdf files which had above 50 pages (55-215) and that tool is crashing with Killed message exactly on the 50th page. With pdf files that have less than 50 pages, it is converting correctly.
What I changed before using qvm-convert-pdf:

  • created different fedora template for pdfs.
  • created different disposable template for pdfs.
  • increased image quality by adding "-r", "500", in 148 line (create_irep()) of server.py here:/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/qubespdfconverter in fedora template for pdfs.
  • changed default disposable template in a qube in which I have that pdf files to that created for pdfs which is important because qvm-convert-pdf runs disposable vm to convert pdf.
    Also what is important - it is crashing when I set dpi to >= 500. Itā€™s not crashing with Killed message when I set it to 300-400 for example. Also I monitored RAM and CPU usage and it was fine so it is not caused by some out of memory-like errors. Strange thing is that it is crashing exactly on 50th page.

This is related issue:

It was fixed, but I guess it was broken again at some point after update?
Can you report this in this github issue so itā€™ll be reopened?

Would you please check the output PDF size. Is it over 2GB or nearly 2GB.

p.s.: Also what is the page size of the input PDF.

BTW, This is the PR I submitted in July to make the output PDF resolution configurable. It awaits review:

I cannot check the output PDF size since there are no output PDFs. It is being killed during sanitizing process so it is not completed and I couldnā€™t find any directory where pdftocairo works in disp VM (in order to find some incompleted PDF file). Input PDFs page size: 595 x 842 - A4 or 612 x 792 - letter, but I donā€™t think that matters as I checked it on few different PDFs with different page sizes and if PDF has > 50 pages, it is being Killed at 50th page.

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Thanks for response, I will try to report it.

Iā€™ve noticed yesterday updating dom0, there is a new version

qubes-pdf-converter-dom0.noarch 2.1.21-1.fc37

Did you try it?

Can you post the link or upload the PDF that is causing this issue for you?
Iā€™ve tried converting the large PDF that was linked as an example in the github issue and it worked for me.