Question abut sdwdate and different Whonix-Workstation VMs


in my QubesOS I have the standard sys-whonix (from Whonix-Gateway template) and a clone of it called sys-whonix-clone.

I have noticed something weird.

I have a few appVM’s and standaloneVM’s based on whonix-workstation-17 template. All of them are using sys-whonix-clone as ProxyVM for networking.

However, in the 2 top-right “Time Synchronisation Monitor”, corresponding to sys-whonix and sys-whonix-clone, some of the appVM appear under sys-whonix and some others to sys-whonix-clone.

I would have expected that all appear under whonix-clone, since that is their ProxyVM.

Question: Can somebody explain to me how to setup which ProxyVM is used to sdwdate?

Thank you

Thank you @apparatus ! This completely solved my problem.

For others reading: by default sys-whonix is used for sdwdate in all workstation VMs. A manual edit (in the workstation VM) is needed if you want to use other proxyVM. Namely:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/etc/sdwdate-gui.d
sudo touch /usr/local/etc/sdwdate-gui.d/50_user.conf

and add gateway=name_of_proxy_VM to the /usr/local/etc/sdwdate-gui.d/50_user.conf file.

NOTE: It is a bit weird that you need to expose the name of the proxy_VM inside a configuration file of the workstation. But at the moment it works like this.