Question about boosting dom0 memory and Qubes Global Config

What does the “Additional dom0 memory” setting in Qubes Glocal Config do?


Qubes Global Config → General Settings → Memory balancing → Additional dom0 memory

I see that this manages the dom0-mem-boost setting in /etc/qubes/qmemman.conf, a filed read by qmemmand. I tried increasing this to give the dom0 VM more RAM but it had no effect even after reboot. Then I found the dom0_mem=max:####M flag in /etc/default/grub, boosted that, updated GRUB (grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg), rebooted, and voila, more RAM assigned to dom0. But I’m left wondering, what does dom0-mem-boost in /etc/qubes/qmemman.conf do? How does it interact with dom0_mem=max:####M and dom0_mem=min:####M?

And that got me wondering on a tangent:

How does the “Minimum qube memory” setting in Qubes Glocal Config interact with qvm-prefs memory settings?


Qubes Global Config → General Settings → Memory balancing → Minimum qube memory

(vm-min-mem in /etc/qubes/qmemman.conf)


qvm-prefs VM memory ← effectively a lower bound
qvm-prefs VM maxmem ← effectively an upper bound

Most of the answers are there:

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