AFAIK neither AwesomeWM nor DWM provide compositing so like i3wm
you’d need to install a compositing manager. But more importantly, I don’t think AwesomeWM / DWM are supported by Qubes OS - eg. you won’t see the qubes’ window colors/labels which is a no-go for most security-conscious users.
Do these window managers require the (now commonplace) fix: I3 not working properly video/graphic issues - #4 by bungali
If you don’t install a compositing manager and you experience tearing, then yes (but then there’s a chance you’ll be hit by bugs/crashes in intel
). If you have compositing then fbdev
is OK.
To summarize, those are the two workarounds:
(which is Qubes’ default) with compositing.i3wm
users will have to installcompton
(both are packaged in f32 so can be installed in dom0 as any other package). This should fix tearing (I have yet to read from ai3wm
user with this fix - if you give it a try please send a PM or reply here). -
with “UXA” acceleration method instead of the the default, newer “SNA”. “UXA” fixes some crashes (like the one @qub411 had) but introduces others (eg. when suspending my T450s laptop). YMMV.
Because if I am understanding you correctly, you suggest that this fix put more pressure on intel CPU with graphics processing, which the old thinkpad x220 CPU has troubles with and freezes.
It’s a software bug - overloading your x220 (CPU and/or GFX) should only make your laptop sluggish, not trigger a crash. FWIW I’d expect the intel
driver to be more efficient / less resource intensive than fbdev