QubesOS Dual Disk Mirror Setup Question

Is it possible to easily setup QubesOS on a disk mirror? I have a motherboard with two M.2 NVME PCIe 4x drive slots. Can I install QubesOS on both drives to minimize the impact of disk failures?

Obviously I can install anything in QubesOS because it is open source, Linux, XEN, my question is if such a setup has been tested and if the installer GUI has built in support for it. Thanks in advance!

I’ve not installed on a mdadm soft raid, but the installer will detect and assemble raids in the destination part of the installation.

You could boot on the Linux livecd before installing and configure the raid, and select it during the Qubes OS installation.

It should also work with NVMe drives, I can see my NVMe raid in the installer.

Not 100% sure what you mean. So it requires manual configuration before running the installer?