[qubes-users] Update for QSB-101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452) and Intel Processor Return Predictions Advisory (INTEL-SA-00982)

Dear Qubes Community,

We have updated [Qubes Security Bulletin (QSB) 101: Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452) and Intel Processor Return Predictions Advisory (INTEL-SA-00982)](qubes-secpack/QSBs/qsb-101-2024.txt at c5693c8a4b81b3afb7cd7e6e44db3bbc36987049 · QubesOS/qubes-secpack · GitHub). The text of this updated QSB (including a changelog) and its accompanying cryptographic signature are reproduced below, followed by a general explanation of this announcement and authentication instructions.

## Qubes Security Bulletin 101


             ---===[ Qubes Security Bulletin 101 ]===---


              Register File Data Sampling (XSA-452) and
     Intel Processor Return Predictions Advisory (INTEL-SA-00982)
