[qubes-users] time sync dysfunctional


I am still on Q4.1 (no time to do a full install now). Since a few days,
my time ran large out of sync, despite the swdate displaying normal
functioning. I rebooted, I restarted swdate. Its log says:

   \[INFO\] date output: 10:44:44

(which is London time, but otherwise correct), my set-to-Berlin-time
clock displays 10:42 which is 1h and 3min wrong. If it was 1h exactly,
I'd guess a user-malconfig, but 3min ??

do you have some hints on that?

Thank you, Bernhard

addendum: if I run "date" in a client VM it will give the right
timezone, but still has 3min of delay..

Hi Bernhard
My first thought was that this is a Whonix issue, but the fact that
`date` has the same 3 min offset speaks against that.
Let me get to a 4.1 box and I will see if I can help.
Do you have locales set differently in qube from in dom0?
What timezone is set in dom0?
What in the qube?
What in your Whonix gateway?

Hi Unman

CET (UTC +1:00) according to timedatectl same, CET (UTC + 1:00) – You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “qubes-users” group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to . To view this discussion on the web visit .

Dear unman & qubes -community,

I am still on Q4.1 (no time to do a full install now). Since a few days,
my time ran large out of sync, despite the swdate displaying normal
functioning. I rebooted, I restarted swdate. Its log says:

      [INFO] date output: 10:44:44

(which is London time, but otherwise correct), my set-to-Berlin-time
clock displays  10:42 which is 1h and 3min wrong. If it was 1h exactly,
I'd guess a user-malconfig, but 3min ??

do you have some hints on that?

Thank you, Bernhard

Hi Bernhard
My first thought was that this  is a Whonix issue, but the fact that
`date` has the same 3 min offset speaks against that.
Let me get to a 4.1 box and I will see if I can help.
Do you have locales set differently in qube from in dom0?
What timezone is set in dom0?
What in the qube?
What in your Whonix gateway?

things are even more funny (or not) since sys-whonix itself displays the correct time! The widget & other app-VM’s are off by 3-4 minutes constantly.

that is very confusing … best, Bernhard