[qubes-users] QSB-102: Multiple speculative-execution vulnerabilities: Spectre-BHB, BTC/SRSO (XSA-455, XSA-456)

Dear Qubes Community,

We have published [Qubes Security Bulletin (QSB) 102: Multiple speculative-execution vulnerabilities: Spectre-BHB, BTC/SRSO (XSA-455, XSA-456)](qubes-secpack/QSBs/qsb-102-2024.txt at b1891ece2e914f644a9141b1d6f8e8ae07091dab · QubesOS/qubes-secpack · GitHub). The text of this QSB and its accompanying cryptographic signatures are reproduced below, followed by a general explanation of this announcement and authentication instructions.

## Qubes Security Bulletin 102


             ---===[ Qubes Security Bulletin 102 ]===---


           Multiple speculative-execution vulnerabilities:
              Spectre-BHB, BTC/SRSO (XSA-455, XSA-456)

User action

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