[qubes-users] 'locking' a vm possible? (to prevent accidental shutdown)

An attempt to shutdown sys-firewall in Qube Manager receive a warning about running processes in the qube; similarly on command line qvm-shutdown sys-firewall fails with an error. Is it possible to designate an appVM to behave similarly so it won’t get shutdown accidentally?

Boryeu Mao:

An attempt to shutdown `sys-firewall` in `Qube Manager` receive a warning
about running processes in the qube; similarly on command line
`qvm-shutdown sys-firewall` fails with an error. Is it possible to
designate an appVM to behave similarly so it won't get shutdown

Not as a user-facing feature AFAIK. But you could use the qubes.ext
Python entry point

to add another "domain-pre-shutdown" event handler like this one
(yours could e.g. check if the VM has a certain tag):


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Rusty Bird:

Boryeu Mao:
> An attempt to shutdown `sys-firewall` in `Qube Manager` receive a warning
> about running processes in the qube; similarly on command line
> `qvm-shutdown sys-firewall` fails with an error. Is it possible to
> designate an appVM to behave similarly so it won't get shutdown
> accidentally?

Not as a user-facing feature AFAIK. But you could use the qubes.ext
Python entry point

qubes-core-admin/qubes/ext/__init__.py at v4.2.21 · QubesOS/qubes-core-admin · GitHub

to add another "domain-pre-shutdown" event handler like this one
(yours could e.g. check if the VM has a certain tag):

qubes-core-admin/qubes/ext/audio.py at v4.2.21 · QubesOS/qubes-core-admin · GitHub

Sorry, that second link should have been:


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Thank you very much for the help. Time for a crash course on qubes-core-admin.