[qubes-users] Issuing the command 'qvm-run --user=user some-dom kill -9 some-pid' on dom0 returns a message...

of some-dom: command failed with code: 137, which I have been ignoring since the job with some-pid did get killed. What could be the meaning of the code 137 and its significance?

Thanks in advance.

Boryeu Mao:

of ``some-dom: command failed with code: 137``, which I have been ignoring
since the job with ``some-pid`` did get killed. What could be the meaning
of the code 137 and its significance?

137 == 128 + (signal) 9

If you add --pass-io to the failing qvm-run invocation, it will show
any error messages from the VM.


Thanks for the info. With --pass-io no error messages were returned from qvm-run and kill. I am now inclined to think that the process (being one from command firefox-esr running on some-dom) returns a exit code of 9 when kill’ed with SIGKILL, which is caught by qvm-run, which issues the message some-dom: command failed with code: 137. When SIGTERM is used to kill the process, the code 143 (128+15) is returned instead of 137.