[qubes-users] https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2021/03/19/qsb-067/


Following QSB-067: Multiple RPM vulnerabilities | Qubes OS, the command
sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --templates --standalones state.sls update.qubes-vm

does not work here:
[master@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --templates --standalones state.sls update.qubes-vm
usage: qubesctl [-h] [--show-output] [--force-color] [--skip-dom0]
                 [--max-concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY]
                 [--targets TARGETS | --templates | --standalones | --app | --all]
qubesctl: error: argument --standalones: not allowed with argument --templates

Am I confused? What's wrong?


As the error message states, you can't use both --templates and --standalones at the same time. Try dropping one of the two options.

I've opened a bug report for this: