[qubes-users] How screwed am I? (corrupt backup files?)

I have a bunch of backups... all in one place... and it seems most of them have been borked in some way. I have tried to restore 50gb backups using qube manager and end up with empty appvms (that show a size of 0mb in qubes manger and as far as i can tell are empty when i start them up and look in them), though with many of the restores I dont get errors?

I am trying to figure out how to restore them manually per the qubes emergency restore doc page and am getting errors like:

[user@disp9624 appvms2salvage] sudo tar \-i \-xvf qubes\-2019\-12\-14T162028\_shuttle \-C \~/Templates/ backup\-header backup\-header\.hmac qubes\.xml\.000\.enc dom0\-home/bob\.000\.enc tar: Skipping to next header tar: Archive contains ‘Q\\352\\334\\\\\\275h\\274\\202B\*\\275s’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘I\\221\\272\\031\\205\\325\\314۴5\\373\\377’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\037\\2571\\344\\323\\377ȧD\\204\\t"’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘p\\177\\246\\257\\371\\215\\243Bqp\[\\350’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\210\\265\\225\\265\[\\313\\311i\\205\!TI’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\255\\220\.\\217\\232\\254j\\247\\326\\325\\355\\303’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\032q&\\345\\377k\\005\\342\.<w/’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘ע8"\]T\\310pr'\\0\\353’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘Q\\241\\371x\\216\\244AȞ\\350?\\343’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘a\\023\\2478\\223\\320\\363S\\231\\275\\345\\320’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\034v\\320\\313j7\\262v\\362\\033G\\002’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\317\\r\\367Z\\241\.\\256\\017\\036r\[\\342’ where numeric off\_t value expected vm3/root\.img\.025\.enc tar: Skipping to next header tar: Archive contains ‘\!\\017\\257\\f\\317f\\356\\r\\273\\377\\271\\t’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘ؽY\-\-f\\212\\317\\025%\\371\\177’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\241\\227w\\376\\235f\\347\\263\\366\\025\\342M’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\331\(\\330n\\372\\352\\033\\343ٷ߉’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\337\\323\\002h\\315\\371\\002w\\242\\334\\355\\031’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\001\\327£\\375\\034\[\-QV7\\036’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘k\\020\\327\\023\\210Cq\\b\[5\\334 ’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\255\\273Y\\273\\360\\004u\\276\\360\\027\\270M’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\[\-&t\\244\\206\\260\(&\\220\\246\)’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\a\\002\\251\\354 ݓ\-t\\031h\\037’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘8\\362\\241\\251\\360Ah\\255\-\\272\\f^’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\353\\250\\317\\342\\260\\\\\\356\\362\\301;\\303\\311’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\001Z\\223\\220ɜ\\327j\\360\\235fA’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘Ő\\267\\033z0\_\\264\\326\_\-\\326’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\316\\354\\330Țv|w\\027\\311%\\370’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\233\\215\\351K\\226\\303BH\\241\\250<\\337’ where numeric off\_t value expected tar: Archive contains ‘\\376:\{\\204\\362\\312\267\223\205\310p’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\236\226\3258+~\245\033\003~\376\022’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\260\341D\266\241[\224~\303\037\220\263’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘w\360<\215\023\212\315:p:^\003’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\227\177\212\211FF\375\360Oe\201\232’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\247;\347P\306M\035a\213\350-\221’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\356b\372\212\326S\230H\320s\261w’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘J\263\236[\034&"ƭ\344%\336’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\323Uy\260\225X/a\314\020] ’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘P;\a\300\214E\304\026\373\314D\353’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘nW\273B"\224\366*\334|\241R’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘@\214\027D*\342-u\034}\214x’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\016\364\236DV\314\020\302]N\035y’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\362\307"\031\277y\330څ\021\304\320’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Archive contains ‘\375k\374\206\235j+\016W=w\215’ where numeric off_t value expected
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

Can someone explain how bad things are looking from these errors?


I am trying to figure out how to restore them manually per the qubes emergency restore doc page and am getting errors like:

tar: Archive contains ‘Q\352\334\\\275h\274\202B*\275s’ where numeric off_t value expected

Can someone explain how bad things are looking from these errors?

If you haven't already, try fully patching the Qubes OS where you are attempting the restores.