[qubes-users] /etc/qubes/guid.conf syntax

So I wanted fullscreen for one of my AppVMs and following http://wiki.qubes-os.org/trac/wiki/FullScreenMode to the letter, I created the following entry in /etc/qubes/guid.conf:

VM: {
  media: {
    allow_fullscreen = true;

Problem is, once I did that, I could not start the AppVM. The GUI was showing me an unhelpful “ERROR: Cannot start qubes_guid!”.

A more useful message was offered by running qvm-start media from Dom0:


–> Starting Qubes GUId…
Critical: error reading config (/etc/qubes/guid.conf:21): duplicate setting name
ERROR: Cannot start qubes_guid!

A-ha! So /etc/qubes/guid.conf cannot have two VM:{} stanzas. This was not obvious to me by the wording “you can do that by creating the following entry in the /etc/qubes/guid.conf file in Dom0” in the documentation. Please consider updating the page to explicitly say that you must only have one VM:{} stanza.

For the visual types:


VM: {
 work: {
    #allow_utf8_titles = true;
 personal: {
    allow_fullscreen = true;


VM: {
  work: {
    #allow_utf8_titles = true;

VM: {
  personal: {
    allow_fullscreen = true;


Thanks, corrected. Also added link to FullScreenMode on the User Docs page.
