Qubes Upgrade to 4.2 - In Place Upgrade

ok that looks good. Any fix for the 3isec.org URL typo?

Just change fc32 to fc37 in /etc/yum.repos.d/3isec-dom0.repo .

Now I get an error message that says unable to download metadata.

I noticed there is no “metalink” in the 3isec-dom0-current /etc/yum/repos.d/


Post the exact error.
There shouldn’t be metalink there:

Errors during downloading metadata for repository ‘3isec-dom0-current’:

Change 4.1 to 4.2.

Good idea, however, the result is the same. Changed from r$release to a hardcoded


Don’t hardcode it, when you run qubes-dist-upgrade stage 2 it should use correct r$release version 4.2.

does the --releasever flag need to be set?

There is no such flag in qubes-dist-upgrade.

What should be the full qubes.3isec.org URL and the full qubes-dist-upgrade


baseurl = https://qubes.3isec.org/rpm/r$releasever/current/dom0/fc37

Since you’ve already finished stage 1, then run stage 2 command:

sudo qubes-dist-upgrade -r -f sys-whonix -k

Then stage 3 if stage 2 was successfull:

sudo qubes-dist-upgrade -s -f sys-whonix -k

Then reboot and run qubes-dist-upgrade with --all-post-reboot

I keep getting stuck on the Stage 2 step. Here’s another part of the error message

that was left out:

warning: Converting database from bdb_ro to sqlite backend

warning: Found bdb_ro Packages database while
attempting sqlite backend: using bdb_ro backend

Unable to detect release version (use ‘–releasever’ to specify release version)

Those are warnings, not errors.

I feel like, in addition to changing the repo URL to /f37/ from /f32/ a metalink

needs to be present for the i3sec repo for the script to run correctly.

No, it’s not needed.
Do you have any errors during stage 2 upgrade? Why do you think that it’s working incorrectly?

I accidentally skipped to STAGE 3 instead of STAGE 2, that’s why it failed.

What’s the best way to copy error log text from a linux terminal in QubesOS?

ctrl+c or ctrl+shift+c doesn’t really work.

I can take a screenshot ok but it doesn’t capture the entire log

STAGE 3 failed with a big error log so I need to copy/paste the entire thing.

On STAGE 3 there are also a bunch of errors in this style of format:

[problem with installed package …]

  • Cannot install the best update candidate for package

[nothing provides…needed by lib…]

  • cannot install the best update candidate for pkg …

**there are about 70 dependency errors like this in the error log

Select the text and press Ctrl+Insert to copy, Shift+Insert to paste.
Then copy to global clipboard like this: