Qubes Updater Error: "qfile-dom0-agent: File copy: “File name too long”

I cannot use qubes-update-gui to update my VMs. Each one fails with the same “File Copy/Move Error”, as outlined in the “Details” section of the Updater:

Updating debian-11

Error on updating debian-11: Command '['sudo', 'qubesctl', '--skip-dom0', '--targets=debian-11', '--show-output', 'state.sls', 'update.qubes-vm']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
debian-11: ERROR (exception Failed to copy Salt configuration to disp-mgmt-debian-11)

The error window I get shows this:

qfile-dom0-agent: File copy: “File name too long” (error type: No such file or directory)

When I run sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --target=debian-11 --show-output state.sls update.qubes-vm in dom0, I get this error in the command line:

debian-11: ERROR (exception Failed to copy Salt configuration to disp-mgmt-debian-11)

and only see this in /var/log/qubes/mgmt-debian-11.log:

calling 'state.sls update.qubes-vm'...

This happens on all my VMs, which include debian-11, fedora-34, debian-11-minimal, and whonix-*-16.

Any ideas? I’ve used salt before so I’d be happy to debug with that

EDIT: I can update the VMs manually with apt and dnf.

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I have a very similar issue, most likely the same issue.

Qubes 4.1, everything updated to latest version as of April 30, 2022.

qubes-update-gui hangs, consistently, on all VMs (Fedora, dom0, etc.).
Error: qfile-dom0-agent: File copy: unknown error 16340… error type : no such file or directory

Both, trying template VM updates through GUI (qubes-update-gui) or through CLI (sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=fedora-34 --show-output state.sls update-qubes-vm) fail, i.e. both GUI or CLI hang forever.

The first error message is: Error: qfile-dom0-agent: File copy: unknown error 16340… error type : no such file or directory

The CLI command starts a VM named disp-mgmt-fedora-34. VM disp-mgmt-fedora-34 runs but has 0% CPU usage and hangs. It has no network VM (as seen in Settings). I get a second error message after killing the disp-mgmt-fedora-34 VM manually:
fedora-34: ERROR (exception No such domain: ‘disp-mgmt-fedora-34’)

If you find a solution, please let us know. Thank you!

EDIT: I can update all template VMs manually with apt and dnf without problems. That is what I am doing weekly.

EDIT: Also worth noting: standard qvm-copy or qvm-move are also working without any problem. The problem seems related to salt.

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