Qubes Thunderbird addon?

So the posts I was able to find seemed to be rather dated, or suggested a rather complicated option so I am asking hoping there is an answer about an updated addon?

I previously used an addon but that was years ago; I recently noticed on the minimal templates doc that one can install thunderbird-qubes so I did but when I opened thunderbird I got:

Is this an old addon issue, thunderbird issue, and more importantly is there a way to resolve this and or and streamline opening attachments and links in DVMs?

It should be possible to prepare something akin to this.

See this issue (including the comments) for everything you need to know (including solutions that obviate the need for the extension, IMHO):

Thanks, I actually just ended up writing a basic (understatement) script:

qvm-open-in-dvm "$1"

then went to settings → file attachments → “use other” and selected my script. That seems to work for links.

It didn’t work for PDFs though? The dvm didn’t know how to handle the mime type/pdf, but the fed40 tmp has a pdf reader by default I would think?

Ah thanks! That looks a bit more versatile than what I came up with, will give it a try.