Could you give us some more details concerning what exactly you were doing? Is this about dom0 packages or Templates? Were you updating from R4.1 to R4.2?
Also my question is
Can i run tails live to decrypt the disc and gain access to my qubes
I would be satisfied if i could have my passwords and my pgp key
Tutorial that you linked wants me to act in dom0 etc and i dont have access to my qubes
I ran live debian from usb and i see my encrypted disk
When i click on it it asks for password but when i enter correct password it says encryption cancelled and encrypted disk icon dissapears
What should i do exactly in live debian console to access my qubes files
From there, you will have a lot of partitions available in /dev/mapper/ or /dev/lvm/, I do not remember well. You want to look the private partition of your qube name and mount it somewhere in /mnt, you can create /mnt/myqube/ and mount it there.