Qubes-rootfs-resize.service prevents boot

Whenever I try to start a qube that I recently resized, it fails with a message that it could not connect to qrexec within 60 seconds. When I open the log at /var/log/xen/console/guest-VMNAME.log I see messages like this:

Job qubes-rootfs-resize.service/start running (3s / no limit)
Job qubes-rootfs-resize.service/start running (4s / no limit)
Job qubes-rootfs-resize.service/start running (57s / no limit)

This messages appear on every boot and cut out close to the 60s mark… so I’m inferring that the resize service blocks the qrexec service causing dom0 to give up every time it boots.

Not gonna lie, I’m not sure how to get out of this one. :confused:

I just noted this in my “qubes tips”…

You can increase the timeout using a command in Dom0 :

 `qvm-prefs <vmname> qrexec_timeout 3600`

Only replace <vmname> to get a delay of one hour, if that is enough.

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Thanks for the tip! It succeeded after 3 minutes.

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Nice !

It might be wise to put it back to default. I think the command is :

 qvm-prefs VMNAME -D