一個幫助中國用戶的 Qubes os 討論群組,歡迎中文用戶的加入

Qubes os 社群在中文語言環境下的資源比較少,這是一個新建立的 Qubes os 中文討論群組,幫助 Qubes os 在中文使用者群體中的推廣。

這是群組的地址 Telegram: Contact @qubeszh ,請使用 telegram 進行加入,群組中沒有包含任何商業內容,是完全公益的。


The Qubes os community has relatively few resources in the Chinese language environment. This is a newly established Qubes os Chinese discussion group to help promote Qubes os among Chinese user groups.

This is the group address Telegram: Contact @qubeszh . Please use telegram to join. The group does not contain any commercial content and is completely non-profit.

I don’t know if posting such a post on the forum violates relevant regulations. If so, please ask the forum administrator to delete it. Thank you!


Hi @ccaccaia, Thank you for posting this!

Just out of curiosity, is there anything stopping those Qubes OS users from posting on this forum? Is there anything we can do?

I’m sure they have a lot to contribute…

I recommend people to share their questions in the forum, which is conducive to the progress of the community. However, there are some special problems that only exist in China. These problems may be difficult to get answers in time in the forum, but they can be answered quickly in the group.

Trust me. We know exactly what you are talking about when you say this, and many of us have also experienced it firsthand, some of us even for years at a time. :slight_smile:

I can also say that most of us probably proudly run bridges and relay nodes for you guys because we know exactly what it’s like :slight_smile:

As for being forced to install certain black-box software to be able to interact with government services online, use your favourite platforms, and execute certain tasks (e.g. no WeChat, no pay), that most certainly exists outside China, too :slight_smile:.

I can assure you that almost all issues most certainly exist outside China too, on some level, at least. This is happening in quite a few places elsewhere too. It will exist anywhere there’s a computer network and the owner of that network has an agenda.

The reality is that most of the questions asked in Chinese on this forum aren’t really directly about Qubes OS.

One of the most common question seemed to be about 翻牆 or which VPNs are currently working, and sadly Qubes OS can’t help with that any more than your standard GNU/Linux-based OS.

Whilst these are valid questions, they don’t necessarily directly relate to Qubes OS. Maybe that’s why they don’t get the answer that they were looking for… :frowning:

In any case, the more we, the community (and when I say we, I mean 咱們) talk about those issues here where it is well-documented and accessible, the more attention it gets, and the better the devs will understand the issues, and the better Qubes OS will become at satisfying the users’ needs.

So I definitely agree with you. Even if you don’t get the answer you want, still post the question here. It all helps everyone :slight_smile:

You are right. Some problems also occur in Russia, but the efficiency is still faster in the group.If we have any new findings, we will post them on the forum. :smiling_face: