Qubes OS ThinkPad T490 "Sys-net unable to reset PCI device" + device freeze

Hello everyone, i’ve tried getting qubes os setup on my thinkpad t490, however ive ran into a huge problem which is that after installation which went smoothly, i’m getting the error “sys-net unable to reset PCI device. No FLR, PM reset or bus reset available”. I’ve tried asking deepseek for some help and also tried navigating the forums but its very hard to do anything on the device as it freezes because of the qubes os installation and the obvious pci issue. would really appreciate some guidance as im completely new to qubes and really want to move my workload over there for programming and working with linux since I like the idea of virtualization.

When running into this, 1st thing I did in troubleshooting was to set sys-net and sys-firewall to NOT start automatically upon boot. Next, check out the list you have for devices for the sys-net qube. Do you have another option to test with, in what network device (ethernet/wireless) that you can connect and try?

Unfortunately, when I ran into this problem of not being able to reset a pci device my resolution was to replace it - such as using a different USB controller chipset. Of course, I’m on a desktop and this is trivial :wink:

Shut down sys-net if it is running.
Open the Settings for sys-net, and go to the Devices tab.
Select the PCI Device in the right hand pane, Click the Large Configure strict reset.. button at the bottom of the pane.
Select the device and click OK

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When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.