Qubes OS Summit 2024: September 20-22 in Berlin

In conjunction with 3mdeb, the sixth edition of our Qubes OS Summit will be held live this year from September 20 to 22 in Berlin, Germany! For more information about this event, please see: https://vpub.dasharo.com/e/16/qubes-os-summit-2024

If you would like to submit a proposal, the Call for Participation (CFP) is open until August 5: https://cfp.3mdeb.com/qubes-os-summit-2024/cfp

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2024/03/13/qubes-os-summit-2024/

Are tickets going to be free or are they just not for sale yet?

If they are free, can I sponsor that with my company somehow? I love qubes very much and would be delighted to help.


Correct, on-site passes are not available yet.

Yes, definitely. Please see the “Sponsorship” section on the official page.

Wonderful! Thank you so much!

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