Qubes OS Summit 2024 has concluded; videos now available

Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Qubes OS Summit, both physically and virtually, and a special thanks to 3mdeb for their tireless efforts in organizing Qubes OS Summits over the years!

If you missed the summit, or if you’d like to review any of the presentations, video recordings from this year’s summit are now available!

Qubes OS Summit 2024: Day 1

Qubes OS Summit 2024: Day 2

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2024/09/22/qubes-os-summit-2024-has-concluded-videos-now-available/

Great! If you don’t want to dive in all the details, Marmarek’s development update gives a nice overview (including Windows Tools update :slight_smile:) :


Really enjoyed watching these, finding out what’s coming next and putting faces to names. @marmarta you have great comic timing!


It was a fantastic summit, and each of the talks were very interesting. Very excited for what the future holds for Qubes OS.

Is there any chance of getting the Qubes Ready to Install for Journalists talk uploaded too?

I know the video and audio had issues, but I’m fairly certain it could be fixed for the video file…

Or at least the Q&A after the talk? That didn’t have any issues, and there were some really good questions there… :slight_smile:

I’ve requested the video be made private, but happy to discuss more here, in DM, Signal, or in Matrix.

Understood. Then I will respect your wishes.

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