Qubes OS Project now accepting donations in Monero!

We are pleased to announce that the Qubes OS Project is now accepting donations in the privacy-oriented cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) at the following address:


We have received an increasing number of requests for Monero as a donation method over the past few years. We are proud that Qubes is the OS of choice for so many privacy-conscious individuals, and we are pleased to be able to offer a more private donation method for those users to show their support.

As with our Bitcoin donation address, you can verify the authenticity of the Monero donation address via the Qubes Security Pack in the fund directory. We also provide detailed instructions for verifying the digital signatures.

As with all other donations, your Monero donations will directly fund the Qubes OS Project. Since Qubes is free and open-source software, we do not earn any revenue by selling it. Instead, we rely on your financial support. If you rely on Qubes for secure computing in your work or personal life or see the value in our efforts, we would greatly appreciate your donation. Thank you!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2021/06/11/qubes-os-project-now-accepting-donations-in-monero/


Sent a tiny amount now, will try to continue when earning Monero with Qubes as an important tool :wink:

This needs to be spread around, it should also be received very well in the Monero community


Thanks! We would be grateful if you could help us spread the word. :smiley:

May I ask you for a feedback on this?

A. How successful was this new option:

  • % of Monero vs. BTC or vs. total donations?
  • % increase of the total donations?

Can you provide some numbers, some graphs, trends?

B. What was the effort to

  • setup this wallet?
  • maintain it (tax, conversion to fiat, …)?

If your conclusion is positiv, would you be open to discuss to add 1-3 new privacy coins?

Now people can donate to our favourite secure operating system, QubesOS, with their CPU cycles, too!

Monero can be mined on regular CPUs, and everyone running QubesOS can start mining on their system and point the payouts to the QubesOS monero donation address!

I quite dig the aesthetics of this: the OS that runs on one’s own computer can be used to provide untraceable digital money back to its developers. No middlemen no nothing.

Monero is really the only privacy coin that’s being used. Others not needed.


Well, this is a rabbit hole statement. Don’t get me wrong Monero is an awesome project but who is and will be always perfect? … Feel free to direct message me if you want to discuss this topic with me.

Here, I would like to keep the discussion (first) on the donation summary - a brief finance feedback as asked in my previous message.


Alright. Taking this to the DM’s :wink:

I would actually suggest to create a topic in the All Around Qubes category instead, which is available to users with Trust Level “Member” and above.

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As moderator of the “All Around Qubes” category I wouldn’t be to happy with that. I would see a discussion about how to install/use Monery/Bitcoin etc as on-topic.

However a discussion about the merits of this or that cryptocurrency … there are really enough places around the internet to have that conversation. This forum doesn’t have to join in on that “fun”.


Off topic here

How would such topic be different from https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/which-vpn-do-you-use/3406 or https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/which-messenger-program-to-use/1278/, or even https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/our-dream-of-freedom-has-been-shattered-now-is-the-time-to-accept-defeat/11829/?

Also, I expect that discussing how one crypto is better than the other should be quite technical, otherwise I would not like it as well.


“Fun” “Fair”?

I do not see Qubes OS donations as " fun" and yes, I appreciate many donation options. As you can see in my original post I have asked for some financial feeback.

I think this would be “fair” to provide some feeback to the community.

You misinterpreted the context. My comments related to your discussion with fsflover.

You yourself realized it should be taken to the DM’s. He wanted to go the “All Around Qubes”. Which of course you can and I won’t block it… just saying there’s a reason you wanted to take it to the DM’s. It has nothing to do with Qubes OS or it’s use.

Which our discussion? @whoami suggested that Qubes could accept another cryptocurrency, because of its special technical advantages, which could be discussed (but weren’t yet). It seems you agreed with me that such discussion could take place, assuming it’s technical.

All said. Please go ahead in “All Around Qubes”. I will rely on @fsflover to moderate that thread and will recuse myself due to my pre-formed non-technical opinion of all cryptocurrencies.

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It is ok to have his opinion, it is good and vital for a community to have different opinions but to step into a room saying crypto / cypto donations is nothing to discuss here, it is just fun and if you believe in it, you are one of these fools - see here is what Wikipedia says about you! Shut the door and leaving the thread.

I acknowledge and appreciate your work and your community support but here I am very astonished with your behavior - as moderator / community leader.

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@fsflover who can answer this, now?

@whoami you are confused.

  1. this on-topic thread here is about donating to Qubes OS which is in the correct category and nobody closes the door on anything including myself

  2. discussions about cryptocurrencies (their uses, benefits, technicalities etc.) are expressly off-topic in the entire forum including the “All Around Qubes” category … there is no connection to Qubes OS other than the donations. But since this weak connection exists and many community members might want to discuss it I changed my mind as a moderator about allowing it in the “All Around Qubes” category.

  3. about this potential discussion then in the “All Around Qubes” category I wrote that I have already made up my mind about this topic and are therefor not the best person to moderate it. So I asked @fsflover to monitor and moderate said potential thread in “All Around Qubes”.

You do not want to get into a discussion about this topic with me if the mere mention of the Greater Fool Theory makes you already uncomfortable and defensive to this degree :wink:

Personally I welcome all contributions to the project in whatever form they come. Also: I do not EVER speak for the project – I hope that is understood.


The relevant person has already been notified of your questions, but please understand that they are very busy and may not have time to answer such extensive questions.

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Sure, absolutely!
Just want to be sure that the original questions did not diappear because of this side talk.

Thanks for your feeback

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If I get it correctly we can continue the talk here, as long as we keep it technically and focus on the financial support of Qubes development.

For donations, I would like to see a stable coin option. :no_entry: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Why? I guess, some people would preferably move towards crypto with a stable coin (this would also avoid any of this fools theories). It is a kind of Paypal without all the fiat transactions issues. With this option you cannot do anonymous donations but at least you can perform pseudonymous transactions and compare to bank transfer you can do it without big fees (depending on where you are living). Unfortunately, I do see only USDT as a option since all EURO or mixed based tokens does not look so good to me: Celo, STASIS EURO…

Secondly, I would like to see a non-POW coin option. :green_heart:
Why? Beside the dynamic up and downs of normal cryptos there is the bad energy image (mainly due to Bitcoin). Here, I do see only OXEN as a good option. It is a Monero fork but uses POS instead. Downside, it is by far not so popular as Monero (no direct fiat-OXEN exchange and just a few exchanges).

Consequentially, my current recommendation would be USDT and OXEN as new donation options.