Qubes OS 4.1-rc2 has been released!

We’re pleased to announce the second release candidate for Qubes 4.1!

Qubes 4.1-rc2 contains fixes for bugs that were discovered in the first release candidate (4.1-rc1). For existing Qubes 4.1-rc1 users, a regular update is sufficient to upgrade to 4.1-rc2.

In case you haven’t heard, Qubes 4.1 includes several major new features, each of which is explained in depth in its own article:

There are also numerous other improvements and bug fixes listed in the release notes and in the issue tracker.

Finally, Qubes 4.1 features the following updated default components:

  • Xen 4.14
  • Fedora 32 in dom0
  • Fedora 34 template
  • Debian 11 template
  • Whonix 16 Gateway and Workstation templates
  • Linux kernel 5.10

How to test Qubes 4.1-rc2

If you’re willing to test this release candidate, you can help to improve the stable release by reporting any bugs you encounter. Experienced users are strongly encouraged to join the testing team!

How to migrate to 4.1-rc2:

Release candidate planning

As with any release candidate, it’s possible that user testing will reveal important bugs that we’ll want to fix before the stable release. We plan to release the next release candidate in approximately five weeks. As explained in our general release schedule, this cycle will continue until no major bugs are discovered, at which point the latest release candidate will be declared the stable 4.1 release.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2021/11/17/qubes-4-1-rc2/

so, dumb question
how would I know if I’m on rc-1 or rc-2
other than doing an update and not getting an update?
cat /etc/qubes/release just says 4.1

As I am on 4.0.x of qubes-os. Can someone explain if or how a in place upgrade to 4.1 will or can be done. As I am looking forward to the major improvements…

It’s explained in the last link of top post above.

@fsflover…thank you, I didn’t see it.
Do you think it is safe to move forward with this in place upgrade? I know it’s still in testing but looking forward to this and can’t wait with the new features

I personally always prefer to reinstall and restore the VMs. It would make your system more secure in case it’s compromised. Especially if you use “Paranoid mode” backup restore option. However note that it’s not a final release and can contain bugs (maybe even related to security).

See also: Qubes-qrexec-agent.service could not be found after upgrading from 4.0 to 4.1

@fsflover…ok thank you. So I will watch and wait for the stable release then.