Qubes keeps pressing Z aznd keyzboazrd ziszz gliczthy traczkpazd dozezsznt wzork szcrezenz kezepzszzzz szcrolling up

szcrzezenz zzkezepzsz szczrolling up anzd typing z help i restzarzted azlot this did not ahapzpen on Kalzi Linuxz this hazppened afzter i switched to qubesz pls zhelp… it like periodicazlly stopsz not realzly

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We need a little more information than that.

Any chance you can tell us a bit more about your situation (your hardware, your keyboard, etc.)?

Do any external keyboards work? And if so, do they also spam Zs and scroll up?

I had a similar issue with the GPD Win Max spamming the Mute key. I have a feeling that this is similar.

Assuming you’ve checked and confirmed that your hardware/keyboard isn’t broken, it sounds like Kali Linux has a udev rule for your keyboard that vanilla Qubes OS doesn’t. If we can find that udev rule and transfer it into Qubes OS, this should stop z spamming of z Z key.

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