I tried different kernels on Qubes 4.2, but it is always the same. In the following cases the system freezes always for a few minutes:
Updating templates (after package download)
Fast download of a big file (25 megabyte per second)
Active usage of USB headset or camera in conferences
Sometimes it already occures when starting sys-usb. Or if there is high CPU usage in sys-firewall and sys-net (sometimes this is the case, maybe because Qubes looks for updates).
Sometimes after the system was freezed there is a input/output disk error in dom0 journalctl protocol. I have fast CPU and a fast SSD. What could be the cause for the problems?
This is not a good sign.
It would be helpful if you gave some information about your system:
RAM, motherboard, CPU, etc.
You do not say what happens during those “few minutes” freeze. Is the
system completely unresponsive?
You do not say what happens after those “few minutes” freeze. Does Qubes
activity continue as normal? Does, eg, the download continue and
complete? Do the template updates complete?
I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.
Thank you for your help. Freezing means that the mouse pointer becomes jerky, you can no longer click on anything in the AppVM windows, but you can still switch workspaces and open windows reasonably well in dom0. After a few minutes everything is back to normal. If you unplug the Internet cable, things often return to normal more quickly. I don’t know whether the download will finish. But the updates come to a good end on their own.