Qubes doesn't boot up ~75% of the time?

I have an odd issue.

I installed Qubes on a Dell Latitude 7400 laptop to its internal SSD. No issues with the installation and setup. However, when I later boot up my laptop, I’m able to get to the grub menu and select Qubes, there’s the initial boot messages, like “loading to ramdisk”, and then there’s just a blank screen. The part that I’m confused is that sometimes (~25%) it does boot normally and I can login into Qubes.

I tried changing the ssd in the laptop and still the same issue. How can I start to debug this issue?

Do you have encrypted disk?
Do you have blank screen before you enter the disk encryption password?
Do you see some change if you press Esc key on this blank screen?

Do you have encrypted disk?


Do you have blank screen before you enter the disk encryption password?

Yes, it’s even before the disk encryption page

Do you see some change if you press Esc key on this blank screen?

I tried Esc and nothing, no change

Remove the rhgb quiet from kernel command line options and add plymouth.enable=0 option in GRUB during Qubes OS boot like this:

And check if you’ll see the LUKS password prompt or maybe some errors.